Article 1 Name
The club team shall be known as The Ashland University Table Tennis Club Team.
Article 2 Purpose
This team provides
individuals who wish play table tennis at a high level the competition in which they desire. The team strictly follows the
official rules as outlined by the USATT. The team is also open who enjoys simply playing table tennis for fun.
Article 3 Membership
All undergraduate
students who are enrolled for six credit hours per semester and have a 2.0 GPA or are in good standing are eligible for the
club. Graduate students need to be enrolled for four credit hours and have a 3.0 GPA or are in good standing are also eligible.
All faculty and staff are allowed to join as well.
Article 4 Officers
The team will have
four executive positions: president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer. Any member of the club is eligible to hold
any executive position. No elections will be held. The president will decide during the first week of official meetings which
members he or she wants to fill which offices. Those particular members may accept the position if they desire; otherwise,
it will be offered to the next best candidate. The positions of vice-president, secretary, and treasurer will be named by
the fourth official meeting. The president will be appointed by March 15th of the previous school year by decision
of the executive committee. The president and vice-president will run the meetings unless both are absent. Then, the secretary
and treasurer will take over full responsibility for that particular meeting. Either the president or vice-president may act
as the club’s delegate. They will, therefore, be responsible for all records, paperwork, and club statistics. The delegate
will also be in charge of relaying information between the Director of Recreational Services, Assistant Director of Recreational
Services, the club advisor, the club members, and the NCTTA.
Article 5 Funds
Only the president
and vice-president have any sort of authority over or access to the team’s funds. Both executives can request, deposit,
and report self-generated funds. However, only the club president may have access to the team’s allocated budget grant.
Article 6 Meetings
The team will meet
on most Tuesdays and Thursdays from the September until April. The team will not be required to meet on dates that conflict
with school breaks. The team meeting dates may extend beyond the norm for any members who should qualify for the national
competition. Meetings will consist of recording games played with the members of the team, as well as being supplied information
and paperwork regarding upcoming events. Drills aimed to increase members’ abilities will also occur at meetings.
Article 7 Elections
The election process is fully outlined in Article Four.
Article 8 Amendments
The constitution
and bylaws of The Table Tennis Team of Ashland University may be amended on written published notice of one week and by a
quorum of 50 percent at the general meeting where the information is present and by a simple majority vote of the team’s
executive committee and the Assistant Director of Recreational Services.
9 Nothing
in this constitution shall be interpreted in a manner contrary to the constitution or policies of Ashland University.